A whole plant extract biostiwith zero waste

Concentrated and Consistent Quality time and time again

Our Products

Ecklonia maxima , is available as:

Whole Kelp Wet Application
Whole Kelp Dry Application

Why you should use our products?

At ecklonia MAXX we believe in whole plant extract biostimulants and the power of synergism, resulting from retaining all natural occurring minerals vitamins and bioactive compounds. All of the compounds in the various raw materials collaborate to exert a positive effect on plants and soil alike. Our products don’t require any special blending; it is a water dispersible whole plant concentrate and  is produced to encompass the length and breadth of what Ecklonia maxima has to offer 

A big plus for commercial clients as an ingredient to established products and for farmers as well is the ease with which EckloniaMAXX concentrate will disperse in water blends. Maximum micron particulate size are well below 8 micron, completely mitigating the risk of liquid reticulation or spray equipment clogging up.

ecklonia MAXX
Our Product formulation

Concentrate form – For large AgroChemical companies as a formulation
formulation ingredient as well as for retail use

Produced in bulk and available in 5lt / 20lt / 200lt / 1000lt

Our Raw materials

Our Ecklonia maxima kelp is sourced from the South African coast line and is indigenous to South Africa. For our Biostimulants specialized boat crews venture into primarily the southernmost coastline of Africa and South Africa to manually harvest primarily Kelp fronds (leaves). To ensure optimal whole kelp yields, the freshly harvested materials are preserved in a cold-chain to ensure the biomass integrity moving forward.

800grams concentrate has the ability cover 1 hectare of land

  1. With a lower inclusion rate and a higher concentration of bioactives, a small amount of our concentrate is able to cover one hectare of ground.
  2. One hectare of land can be covered by a small amount of our concentrate.
  3. It is possible to cover 1 hectare of land with 800 grams of our concentrate.
  4. Our concentrate has a lower inclusion rate, higher bioactives making it possible to cover 1 hectare of land.

Explain through Nano graphic

Smaller particle size has dramatically increased surface area. Increased surface area allows for a greater number of microorganisms to digest / process particles for nutrient extraction. Because of the processing method cell phyto-chemistry is brought into suspension of the concentrate. The freeing of phytochemistry has a direct positive impact on absorption.

The opposite of eckloniaMAXX with larger particles would require those particles to first be digested to break through cell walls to gain access to the phytochemistry requiring time. Smaller particles ease nutrient absorption. Larger particles the opposite.



A product process amasses carbon emissions throughout its value-chain. eckloniaMAXX’s total carbon footprint from source of supply to final market is less due to technology and innovation efficiency producing a highly concentrated product where less is required and hipped volume equites to greater number of hectares treated. It requires less building space due to smaller packaging. The impact of the products water dispersible concentration is immense.


Our product is highly likely to clog irrigation system due to its MICRON SIZE

EckloniaMAXX, in its final concentrate form has a maximum micron size of less than 7micron. A human red blood cell is approximately 5microns in size. The effect is multiple: bioavailability is dramatically increased, cell contents are brought into suspension, these ranging in nano-particle size impacting plants and Rhizosphere. eckloniaMAXX will do a number of things – what it will not do is clog the pipes. Pipes and equipment of blending plants on-farm spray tanks and booms. It will simply flow through uninhibited to the satisfaction of farmer’s plants and microorganisms alike.

Ecklonia maxima Kelp

In addition to our zero waste policy CMD Industries also took note of the critical importance of proper management of its wild harvesting processes and the environmental risk it posed. South Africa’s Kelp forests has been recognised as a Wonder of The world and the ecosystems they create and support.

As such we appreciate the need to tread softly. Wild Harvesting primarily utilize fronds to allow the plants to continue regenerating as well as safeguarding the submersed ecosystem. In addition to CMD Industries own efforts South Africa’s concession system also only permits 10% of total biomass which further supports the sustainability effort. The Kelp Forrest’s role is considerably more than simply a raw material source – and this we respect.

Moringa Oleifera Supply

Moringa is sourced both from Wild Harvest as well as cultivated stocks from within South Africa as well as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) with additional raw material available further afield. Sustainability and scalability of the raw material is assured based on established supply-chains.

Ibatech Supply

Ibatech is contract manufactured on behalf a partnership with raw material wild harvested of an indigenous “weed”. Future prospects include cultivation of the plants on available land to better control supply of raw material and support of natural habitats. Scalability is planned for with overarching sustainability assured up to n present harvesting level. Use of our technology also enhances total extract percentage as the woody material does not allow for whole plant final product. Product in waiting however allows for use as briquette raw material to maximaize raw material utilization

Carbohydrate Derived Fulvic Acid (CDFA) Supply

CDFA is a manufactured ingredient based on sustainable raw material. CDFA’s scalability and sustainability is assured and is of the highest quality availability. Supply is also not hampered by import lead times and logistical complexities and is available.